And I don't think it's exactly a sin...
Possible Confession: I ate a Pop Tart for lunch.
In fact, I skip (or eat junk food for) lunch and dinner almost whenever Joe's at work.
You're laughing, I know. Like I said - it's not a sin to eat a Pop Tart for lunch. My Pop Tart is the result of sin, not the sin itself. (I got this "result" idea from Pastor Tommy Allen, who used this analogy for divorce. Read or listen to the sermon "Jesus...on Marriage" from April 10, 2011, and then listen to his other sermons because they're good.)
So what kinds of sins result in Pop Tarts?
- Sloth, because I'm less likely to interrupt a movie to make myself a nutritious meal.
- Not-Taking-Responsibility, because I'm not willing to give myself the necessary nutrients to perform my responsibilities. And then I "don't have the energy" to carry them out.
- Being-Unloving, because I'm "loving my neighbor" (I pack Joe healthy food every day and make oatmeal for breakfast) but not myself.
- Fiscal-Foolishness, because I am not eating quality perishable food that will likely go bad and be thrown away, and because I am eating snack food that was intended to be dessert in Joe's lunch.
My other point is that there's nothing inherently wrong with pleasures. They turn into "guilty pleasures" when they we depend on and abuse them. The abuse of food leads to obesity and poor health; the abuse of tobacco leads to lung cancer; the abuse of alcohol leads to liver disease, and we all know that too much TV rots your brain.
What's your Pop Tart been today?
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