Let's Be Nice to Pro-Choicers

Why should we be nice to pro-choicers?

Be the honey, not the vinegar.

Most of my friends are pro-life.  Many re-post blog articles and memes that share their position, and that's fine.  But some of these memes and articles are unloving.  The argument for harshness is that this is such an important issue we can't beat around the bush to soften the horror of it.  This is why we see Christians calling pro-choicers "baby-murderers."

Does name-calling and finger-wagging bring people to Jesus?  Has it ever?

I recently experienced what it's like when someone insults you with the intent to convince you their position is right. I commented on a friend's pro-choice post, and one of her friends responded to my comment by calling me a "f****** idiot."  And then I realized if that was how pro-choice people behave, then I definitely want to be pro-choice.


Jesus responded with absolutely justified rage when he saw what the Jews had done to the temple by turning it into a place of business.  He overturned their tables and drove them out with a whip.  Some might argue that harsh words toward pro-choicers are appropriate based on this example.

But isn't it interesting that Jesus reacted in anger when God's people behaved that way, yet when he confronted who the Jews called "Gentile sinners" (anyone who wasn't born a Jew), he had only gentleness?  Healing?  Loving words?

No wonder they followed him.

Love the mamas.

I know women who've had abortions.  Pro-choice women, pro-life women.  Women who regret it, women who don't.  I'll bet you're acquainted with women who've had abortions too, even if you're not aware of it.

With this group of women, it is especially important not to be hurtful.  The women who regret their abortions are already hurting and don't need to be called baby murderers.  The women who don't regret their abortions are going to be the most difficult people to convince, so we won't attract support by calling them baby murderers either.

We love you, mamas of babies that went to heaven far too soon.  We have all sinned, and we all fall short of the glory of God.  We need Jesus just as much as you do.

Are you weary?  Carrying a heavy burden?  Jesus promises that if you come to him, he will give you rest.  If we confess our sins, he will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  That means that when God looks at you, he doesn't see the things you've done.  He sees you as a perfect child and calls you daughter just like me.  You will have no cause to feel any more shame.

To pro-choicers

The pro-life movement has said and done a lot of awful things to you.  I'm sorry.  I don't apologize for our zeal - I mean, if you believed that millions of people were being killed legally, wouldn't you be passionate too?

I especially apologize for the Christian pro-lifers who have behaved poorly.  If you ever needed evidence that Christians are not "good people," just sinners who have found life in Jesus, you have it.  I hope you have the opportunity to meet Jesus by meeting some people who really follow him, so you can experience his genuine love for you.
