
I could use some encouragement right now. I've been depressed today, all day. No cause that I can think of. I don't find joy in anything; I don't even want to do anything except wait to be tired enough to sleep. Most of all, I'm so afraid to lose myself again. Where is God?

I hope tomorrow I'll be myself again. I feel like I should write a post and give myself truth from God, but really I don't want to talk or write or think or anything. Just melt away.


  1. You are a wonderful woman! Many love you and are blessed by the wisdom and truth that you share. I hope that God helps you to feel his love and to feel the love of your friends and family. I am praying for you, lady.

  2. I wanted to comment when I read your post yesterday, but I had to run so I didn't miss the train for work. What I wanted to tell you was how courageous I thought you were for posting so honestly about your struggles.
    I think you are very wise to reach out to friends for help on dark days. I can tell you that your friends love you. I wish I could do more than that. I feel a little useless because I know there are no magic words, not actions I can take to fix things.
    I can tell you that I have always been very proud to call you a friend. That as I hear about your accomplishments as a young woman, a young wife, a student, a Christian struggling to perfect herself, I am always proud of you.
    I hope that tomorrow is a better day.
    Mary Dearing

  3. Music is a huge boon to me when I'm at my lowest. I find that I can pray a song when I can't pray on my own. This one has carried me through many heart-wrenching tears over 20+ years....

  4. Amber! I love you! I wish I could've come over and made you a cup of tea and sat on your couch and watched a movie with you and talked or not talk at all if thats what would make things a little better! You have been so giving to us (and I know to others too), and your friendship means so much to me.


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